What happens when a post hardcore band and rock band play on the same stage? The Sweet Collision, is what, says Upsurge Productions, which brought together American bands Eyes Set To Kill (ESTK) and Mayday Parade for a rocking set at *SCAPE Warehouse that lasted 200 minutes on Jul 6.

Photo by: Jean Goh

With a queue stretching the entirelength of the youth-based centre all the way to the entrance, it was overrun by adolescent rock chicks in band T-shirts and groovy hipsters, as well as headbangers with their headbands and cutoffs, before the doors were open to what was one of the most sought-after rock gigs this year. Signs were put up outside the auditorium proclaiming that anyone feeling unwell shouldn’t enter the mosh pit. DIY shirts declaring their love for either bands, could be spotted on many metalhead lasses.

Local band The Summer State starts off the show.

With local band The Summer State initiating the start of a wild mosh-worthy night, the 500-strong crowd was already hyped up by the time the 2 sisters Alexia and Anissa Rodriguez, nominated for the Revolver Magazine’s Hottest Chick(s) in Metal last year, stepped on stage.


American alternative metal band ESTK, made up of the 2 sisters, as well as Caleb Clifton and Cisko Miranda might have seen many changes in their members since their formation in 2003, but it didn’t make a dent on their artistry when they dove into their opening song/title-track ‘Broken Frames’ with a stage presence showcasing chemistry that suggests they’ve been playing all their lives together.

As they launched into another of their hit songs ‘Heights’, the crowd grew feverish as they crooned lyrics in sync with Alexia who was decked out in her signature DIY Where The Wild Things Arecrop top.

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Vocalist and lead guitarist, Alexia Rodriguez

“There’s something running through my blood, takes hold of meIt’s taking me to heights you’ll never see.” – Heights

Adding a personal touch to the gig was ‘All You Ever Knew’, which was written about Alexia’s past relationships as her emotions shone through the words she sang. ‘Ticking Bombs’, ‘Where I Want To Be’ and ‘Liar In The Glass’ were among the other songs in their setlist for the night.

The band ‘s debut in Singapore was also shrewd enough to keep the energy in the crowd going for the 80-min set, tiring out the audience with their well-trained screamo and stage presence by playing familiar hits after hits that brought the house’s spirit up.

Bassist Anissa Rodriguez

Ending off with ‘Darling’ with a slightly longer drum introduction and with Cisko belting his heart out, the crowd went delirious as they chorused the song they all knew too well. Left sweaty and sticky, the fans took a break during the interval after the quartet bid their goodbyes and thanked them for their enthusiasm.

Coming back from the near 1-hour interval, flashes were already going around as rock band Mayday Parade begun their set abruptly with all-time favourite ‘Jamie All Over’. The transition from heavy metal to alternative rock was surprisingly smooth as both bands seemingly shared a fan base.

Mayday Parade rocking out the crowd at *SCAPE Warehouse

Famous for their long and ironic song titles, the band seems to have progressed very far from the time ex-lyricist Jason Lancaster had left. Despite lacking a lyricist and one of the vocalists for 4 years, the band still pulled off a well put-together show that night.

Attention was lavished on Derek Sanders, lead vocalist in the rock band, as he twirled and spun his microphone around effortlessly throughout the entire set. Clad in a sleeveless T-shirt with the words “Much Too Young” and wristbands that complemented his almost full-sleeve tattoo, Derek’s lanky frame was the centre of attention as his ringing voice reverberated across the auditorium.

Lead vocalist Derek Sanders.

The crowd had mixed feelings as the band started on hit song ‘Kids In Love’ from their latest album Anywhere But Here which had disappointed many fans, nonetheless, they remained rowdy and clamored for the members. Older tunes such as ‘When I Get Home, You’re So Dead’, ‘I’d Hate To Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About’ from A Lesson In Romanticsfollowed.

The first song ever written by the band, ‘Three Cheers For Five Years’, which was also the track that garnered the most fans for them, was the start of the most memorable minutes of the night as Derek belted out the bridge “You know the words, so sing along for me baby” while signaling the crowd to join in the mass karaoke.

The enthusiastic performance of the song later led to Derek declaring his love for Singapore, and a short break by going into an acoustic rendition of ‘Terrible Things’. From their most recent EP Valdosta, it was one of the crowd’s favourite of the night as the ambience became soothing and emotional.

Derek does a soothing acoustic rendition of 'Terrible Things'

Afterwards, the band got their gear and started on ‘Anywhere But Here’, and continued with the classics that everyone loved, such as ‘Black Cat’ and a slower ballad of ‘You Be The Anchor That Keeps My Feet On The Ground, I’ll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds’.

‘Get Up’ signaled the end of the set for the night, which didn’t satisfy the house as they chanted for an encore as classics such as ‘Miserable At Best’ that had garnered more than 1.5 million views on Youtube hadn’t been played. And after what seemed like a long time, the band from Tallahassee, Florida, stepped up on stage once again for a zealous performance of ‘Jersey’.

Sign me up the next time they cross paths.

Check out Urbanwire’s exclusive interview with Eyes Set To Kill and Derek from Mayday Parade!

 Photo courtesy of Upsurge Productions