Ever wondered what a room full of chocolate will be like? Teleport into a world of chocolate at Mr Bucket Chocolaterie, in the heart of Dempsey Road. Other than being a chocolate factory that produces its own chocolates, it provides a retail and dining experience like no other. 

Officially opened on 3rd December 2022, Mr Bucket Chocolaterie is located at 13 Dempsey Road. Photo Credit: Lam Cheng Yan

Mr Bucket sells a variety of hand-crafted chocolate treats, beverages, and bonbons with unique flavours. All of which are sustainably sourced from the cacao farms in Asia. In their effort to produce sustainably-sourced chocolate, Mr Bucket “aspires to revitalise the Asian chocolate industry by building a chocolate community that is mindful and responsible” quoted from their website.

Practices of sustainability 

The factory features The Dispensary for chocolate leftovers from pre-packaged products. One thing to note is that you are encouraged to bring your own containers to fill up your choice of chocolate however much you’d like – with the goal of reducing packaging waste. And, if you do bring your own reusable container, you get a 10% discount — a win-win! 

Bonbon boxes are reusable to drive sustainability efforts. Photo Credit: Lam Cheng Yan

“Me and Mr Bucket can’t do it ourselves but if we spread the word to maybe 300 [or] 3000 people, then that will help, not just us but overall as a country or even the world,” said a spokesperson from Mr Bucket on their efforts to impact sustainability to its customers.

Build-your-own-chocolate station

Mr Bucket has a creation station that allows you to select from a range of 16 inclusions and toppings for their personalised chocolate bark at $21.90. Aside from that, you can choose between 72% Dark Chocolate or 48% Milk Chocolate (should you have a preference!). 

We didn’t miss the chance to create our very own The Urbanwire chocolate bark (choosing flavours that reflect our members personalities). We selected milk chocolate with the inclusion of macadamia nuts and freeze-dried strawberries, topping it off with marshmallows. 

Building Your Own Chocolate: A wonderful experience to watch and consume, dig in! Photo Credit: Verlene Koh

Our reviews of Mr Bucket’s chocolates

We bought the 80% dark chocolate bonbons from The Dispensary. Personally, I very much prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate. But surprisingly, I enjoyed the bonbons and it was so addicting that I couldn’t stop eating!

Rich 80% Dark Chocolate bonbons from Mr Bucket. The price varies according to the weight of chocolate. Photo Credit: Verlene Koh

We were also given a sample of the cacao wine (12.5% alcohol). The staff explained that the cacao wine was produced from the process of fermenting the excess juice from the pulp of a cacao fruit. The flavour reminds one of the sweet taste of honey, pineapple or even current. So if you enjoy the sweet taste of organic fruits, the cacao wine is a must-try! 

Another fun fact is that the drink is usually served with a dessert and can aid in digestion. After taking a few sips, the flavour is indeed similar to grape juice with a hint of alcohol taste, delicious!

Cacao wine runs smooth and has a light alcohol flavour. Photo Credit: Verlene Koh

Overall, our experience at Mr Bucket Chocolaterie was fulfilling and we got to try out their amazing chocolate treats! The factory is definitely worth a visit (at least once in your lifetime). Check out our video for more details!

Proofread by: Danial Roslan