If the financial crisis and looming recession is getting to you, recline and recoil on the TV couch for that sweet escape, as Ronald Wan finds out.

The F1 cars have disappeared from our shores but the engines are still roaring in my ears like sweet music. Yes, I’m still suffering withdrawal symptoms from the wild F1 weekend but lately everyone seems to be suffering from another kind of withdrawal. It’s called the recession.

Apparently, we are in technical recession. One that is hurling towards us in the wake of financial markets crashing all over the world. This financial crisis has fat cats trading in commodities like their fast cars, condos and underwear instead of the usual sugar, oil and rice. Times are bad.

Everyone is petrified of spending on frivolous items considering prices are going up. For starters, there is the electricity tariff – I probably have to spend another dollar more powering my laptop to type this story. Public transportation fees are also up. Even Chuck Bass’s hair (Ed Westwick) on Gossip Girl stays gelled up.

Let’s spend less then and here are a few suggestions on how to do the scrooge. Instead of spending millions on foreign magazines and newspapers, go online to read them or browse at Borders. Better, stick to reading this awesome website. Seriously, what else can be better?

Carpool. Park and ride on the MRT. Eat more at home. Drink water and less wine and spirits. Pick Giordano over Gucci. Or Mango over Moschino. More showers and less bubble baths. Use lesser toilet paper. Okay, we kid on the last one.

In any case, turn to pop culture for that sweet escape. Movies and television shows work the best in forgetting the hefty phone, Internet and electricity (yes, still powering the laptop here) bills – albeit momentarily. And with the slew of terrific new and returning TV shows this fall (otherwise known as autumn; considered as all-year summer here) on American channels, life seems to be better now.

Amazing Race. Survivor. Pushing Daisies. Brothers and Sisters. Heroes. Gossip Girl. Dirty Sexy Money.Project Runway. Desperate Housewives. Mad Men. Grey’s Anatomy.And the list goes on. I should have given you, dear readers, a clear idea of how excellent some of these TV shows are due to the clever writing and casting. For instance, watching Amazing Race reminds you of the exotic places you always dreamed of going but probably wouldn’t. Survivor has all the nasty fun you can’t really replicate in the office or school. Heroes? It reminds you that you don’t have those superhero powers of reading minds and flying.

On second thoughts, these TV shows might make you feel less competent but they make such great entertainment and escapism. I already have Serena-Blair’s cat fight (Gossip Girl) on loop and Izzie Stevens (Grey’s Anatomy) as my screensaver. They are the ones giving me the thrills and naughty excitement and every reason to stay home to avoid the incessant shopping outside.

And so should you. Avoid the recession blues and catch your favourite TV shows (illegal download, piracy or otherwise) for that sweet escape from the number-crunching and dollar-depreciating reality. Isn’t it fabulous to be in the company of gorgeous Upper Eastsiders, superheroes in cheerleader outfits and sexy housewives? Let’s celebrate in these hard times in la-la land. Don’t forget to use the toilet paper.

You know you love me. Xoxo, Ronald Wan.

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