“It is proof that no matter how hard you struggle, you can’t fight love.”

Indeed, this extract from the official press release sums up Love’s Labour’s Lost, to be staged at the DBS Arts Centre from 10-14 Sept by the Singapore Repertory Theatre’s (SRT) youth wing, The Young Co.

The play is based on the original script written by Shakespeare, which charts the challenge of not falling into love, which the King of Navarre and his 3 sidekicks vow to take up during their 3 years of studying.

This feat gets a lot more challenging upon the arrival of the princess of France and her entourage of beauties.

Will the 4 men stay true to their vow? Or will love get the better of them?

Tickets Giveaway

Together with SRT, UrbanWire is giving away 3 pairs of tickets to catch Love’s Labour’s Lost. Just answer the simple question below to stand a chance to win a pair.

Where will Love’s Labour’s Lost, by SRT’s The Young Co., be staged?

1. Istana
2. Esplanade
3. DBS Arts Centre

Send in your answer together with your full name, contact number and I/C number to contest.urbanwire@gmail.com

The first 3 readers to submit complete entries with the right answers will walk away with a pair of tickets to Love’s Labour’s Lost.