With the inaugural launch of the adidas Fitness Academy (aFA) this July, you can now be motivated to take exercise to a whole new level and train like a true athlete.

And if running has become a passé in your exercise regime, and you’re looking for some fresh kick, then these classes definitely make the cut.

Designed by adidas Global Fitness Coaches, who are renowned experts in their own fields, the aFA “promises a program that can be enjoyed by people who are looking to get in better shape, but also challenging enough for fitness aficionados,” explained adidas senior Brand Communications and Sports Marketing manager of SEA, Marcus Chew.

Whether you are looking to stay healthy or shape up your body, here are 3 new workouts that you can consider picking up – no prerequisites required!

adidas Yoga

Those who stereotype yoga to be a sport for the dainty would take back their words after 1 session. Yoga is not as easy as you think it is! The practice of yoga is more than mere meditation; it also requires a sizable portion of muscular strength.

Albeit the class began with its straight-faced students seated comfortably in the highly known and easily mimicked meditation sitting pose, however, as the True Yoga Singapore’s team leader, Adinath Chowdhury, took the session further, she introduced more challenging poses such as the side planks and bridges.

Go for it: If you’re looking for a sport that brings about greater flexibility, coordination, agility and strength. The adidas Yoga is a unique sport that would bring about many spiritual, psychological and physical benefits.

adidas Personal Training

Lunges, squats and planks – these were some of the exercises that True Fitness Singapore’s master trainer, Wendy Cho, took us through in a 20-minute trial session. While these exercises might seem ordinary, they are what top-notched Olympic athletes do in their every day training. By turning up the intensity of each session, you will feel quicker, fitter and more powerful and agile, as testified by the master trainer

Go for it: If you’re looking to increase your fitness level. The adidas Personal Training will show you how to increase the density of your training sessions and maximize your time in the gym.

adidas Zone Cycling

One hand on the handle bar; the other on the resistance button… then Turn it up! These 3 phrases would be your greatest nightmare in the 20-minute trial session with True Fitness Singapore’s group exercise manger, Martin Cheang. Cycling with resistance is no easy feat! In fact, amongst the 3, the adidas Zone Cycling is the most arduous workout.

Go for it: If you’re looking for something that will get your heart racing. The adidas Zone Cycling is an effective personal cardiovascular workout that will improve strength, power and muscular endurance.

All classes, held at True Fitness and True Yoga centres in Singapore, are available from July 2011, exclusively only for True Group members. The registration for adidas Fitness Academy (aFA) classes can also be done at all True Group outlets.