Dearest UrbanWireReaders,

It’s 12 days before Christmas and UrbanWirehas a special treat for you all the way up until the clock strikes 12 on Dec 25 and the sleigh bells start ringing.

We present to you our first 12-day Christmas edition, specially designed to prep you if your events and gifts lists are a little less full than you’d like, offer you a fun-filled and festive reading experience that will spice this Christmas up more than the usual and get the holiday spirit going.

Get the latest updates on the wildest Christmas countdown parties and nightlife promotions not to be missed on Dec 22 & 23 and the best tips on how to spend less for more presents on Dec 14.

If your pocket’s been hit by the crazy inflationary prices this year and you’re starting to panic, look out for our solution on Dec 18 to spending absolutely nothing on gifts but yet not missing any of your loved ones.

Get our take of the dos and don’ts for fashion this partying season with our style guide on the Dec 15 as well as UrbanWire’s picks of the hottest dining attractions on Dec 21 for that posh, tinsel-decked Christmas family dinner, date or gathering.

Catch our feature specials on our 10 favourite Christmas movies of all time on Dec 17 and our search for the world’s best Christmas song covers in the history of music on Dec 19. Dec 16 will bring you truckloads of laughter as we explore what Christmas could be like on some of your favourite television series and on Dec 20, we capture on film what Christmas means to people around you.

So sit back and relax with your cup of cocoa, especially if you’ve been terribly bothered by an unplanned Christmas, and let us take the pain out of the planning for you with our guides, lists of hot spots and features to brighten up your holiday season.

There’s so much more wehas planned for you, including an armchair trip around the world on Christmas day itself. So look out for them!

We thank you for giving us more than 2 million hits every month. We hope you enjoy this little treat meant especially for you!


Adeline Yeo & Addison Thomas Wong
UrbanWire, Editors