Dearest UrbanWire readers,

Welcome to UW 2.0 beta. (I’ll tell you what the PCD have to do with this later.)

Just like Web 2.0, UW 2.0 will constantly be on beta. Expect to see changes, especially over the next two weeks – but only if you ask for them. As mentioned in my previous letter, feedback is extremely important. We can do little if you don’t tell us what you like or dislike; tell us what is important to you.

Your Role: Contribute & Feedback

If you would like us to cover an event, or if you notice an interesting trend, tell us about it. It’s incredibly easy to contact us. Just drop me an email or fill in a contact form.

Similarly, if you disagree with what we write, discuss with us your opinions by leaving behind a comment. Having said that, if you love what we write, remember to leave behind lots of love.

If you can, go beyond mere commenting. To be an UrbanWire contributor, send us a sample of your writing. If you already have an established website, you will want to consider content syndication.

Your role is very simple. Speak to us.

What’s Changed?

UW 2.0 isn’t a superficial aesthetic revamp. Everything here is designed for especially you – for your likes, dislikes, habits, personalities, et cetra.

If you were to look at our navigation bar, for instance, you will find 3 main sections: Features, Entertainment and Lifestyle. Hover over Entertainment and Lifestyle to access our categories (Music, Events, etc).

Categories have been refined. What was formerly “Movies” and “TV” has now been collapsed into “Film + TV”. Likewise, what was “WiredLife” and “Gaming” is now collapsed into “Gadgets + Gaming”.

Scroll down the page to view the latest story of each category. Look to the sidebar on your right, if you would rather see a list of the latest 10 stories from any category. At that very same place, you will be able to navigate other tabs to view the most popular articles and recent comments.

Take your time to explore other features we have, such as social bookmarking, Twitter, Flickr and Odiogo.

UW 2.0 is an experience. It’s no fun if I spoil it for you by inundating you with my boring chatter. Go ahead, try it out then tell me what you think.

Celebration! edition

More than just an edition that celebrates everything you love, the Celebration! edition is one of the fruits of the editorial revamp. Look out for the differences in our updates as updates become more concise and more frequent, while packaged with other elements that seek to engage your senses.

Right now, I am in Starbucks at Genting Highlands where MTV is hosting me for the MTV Asia Awards. Intermittent internet connections notwithstanding (yes, it can be surprisingly difficult to get an internet connection), I promise you frequent updates as the event develops.

In short, this means that you can now read all about the MTV Asia Awards before it reaches your television sets, newspapers or magazines.

While you read such wonderful updates, add UrbanWire to your favourites on your internet browser and keep us on your RSS reader so that you’ll always get the latest updates. If you haven’t yet done so (and I’m absolutely shocked that you haven’t done so yet, dear reader), register yourself as an UrbanWire member to get exclusive updates and promotions.

Meanwhile, have an awesome time with UW 2.0, and, for the next few days, stay on the close lookout as we launch Celebration! with smashing updates about performers (e.g. The Pussycat Dolls, Panic At The Disco, etc) from the MTV Asia Awards and SINGfest.

With love,
Boo Jian Wen Jeremy
UrbanWire Editor