I’m a smooth operator, someone who knows exactly what to say and when to say. I’m also an intuitive friend who knows when my friends are feeling down. Thus, I give them the love and concern they need to feel better, making it no wonder that people love hanging out with me.

At work, I’m extremely organised, a bit too organised in fact, and that seems to be my only drawback. While in love, I take a longer time, as compared to the status quo, to warm up because I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself. This doesn’t undermine the fact that I’m warm and fiercely loyal partner who gives my other half my undivided attention.

If you’d even entertained the possibility that I gleaned the above piece of information off my online dating profile, or that I’m a shameless narcissist, clear that misconception now.

In line with the recent launch of Baileys’ two new flavours, Baileys with a hint of Crème Caramel and Baileys with a hint of Mint Chocolate, the young but established 34-year-old brand has also inaugurated an unconventional questionnaire “What’s your flavour”. It determines which flavour of Baileys would appeal to the individual more through a series of fun questions that range from, “What sort of underwear would you like to see on your guy?” to “What kind of dance lessons would you go for?”

Catering to the fairer gender, the guys have no reason to fret until the other killer red heel drops. Get this – The first 500 ladies to complete this survey wins for herself 3 mini bottles of assorted Baileys flavours. The men don’t get it, really.

The rationale behind the online personality assessment is riveting though. Developed by Director Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Research and Treatment of Chicago, John Collins, Marketing Director (Diageo Brands) said that, “few people actually know that there is a scientific justification to the correlation between our personalities and preference of flavours. With the introduction of the new Baileys flavours, Baileyswants consumers to discover which of the 3 Baileys variants – including the Baileys Original Irish Cream – truly matches their personality.”

Though nowhere near being a female, I did the online survey and my test results indicated that Baileys with a hint of Crème Caramel matches that of my character. Truthfully, I did enjoy the recommended Crème Caramel more than the other two. Silky and even sweeter than the original Baileys (but not to the extent of it being cloying), the taste of caramel is evident even from its very first taste.

Subsequently, the fragrant caramel taste divorces itself from the full-bodied creamy aroma that is trademark of Baileys Original Irish Cream and moves up to the nose. The first breath you exude smells exactly of the taste that was previously in your mouth earlier while the original Baileys signature creamy taste now resides within your palate, making the drink so much more than an oral experience.

As for Baileys Mint Chocolate, it didn’t work as well for me as the Crème Caramel, maybe because I’m a Crème Caramel person and it is just a case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Mainly it’s because of the presence of chocolate. The genuine taste of chocolate was not prominent enough but its saving grace was that there was a nice aftertaste of mint after the creamy liquer gushes its way down the throat. Overall, the taste was a tad too artificial for my liking.

But Baileys is Baileys. It definitely didn’t reach its prominence to dateby producing crappy liquer. To strengthen its efforts, Baileys is introducing the 2 exciting new flavours by tying up with popular dessert galore Bakerzin and concocting a trio of creamy, delightful desserts with a touch alcohol. The brew of alcohol, cream and sweets – what’s not to like? UrbanWire finds out.

Baileys Frappe

Imagine Baileys on the rocks – swirled and crushed in more ways than one. Disappointingly diluted, the iced drink tasted as if cups of water were thrown in generously. It’s quite a pity though as the concept has quite an enormous potential.

Baileys with a hint of Crème Caramel Soufflé

The sweetened taste that is trademark of soufflés is confused with the trace of caramel. Rendered inseparable, the taste of Bakerzin’s latest innovation is indistinctive and failed to impress. No complaints about the texture and the soufflé’s sensation on the tongue though, it’s expertly done.

Baileys Ice Cream

Admittedly the best of its range, Baileys Ice Cream, with its cool and sticky sensation, had an Irish twist to the seemingly vanilla taste. But then again, it’s ice cream. What can possibly go wrong?

Baileys with a hint of Chocolate Mint Latte

Adding alcohol into coffee in an effort to make the beverage taste better is no new trick up the sleeve. Although adding Baileys into coffee might sound promising, the latte failed to deliver and tasted just like regular coffee. However, the minty aftertaste did leave a pleasant experience in place of the milky trace one usually gets after drinking a latte.

In a nutshell, thumbs up for the effort but really, expectations were higher. A little piece of advice: Just have Baileys on the rocks, sweet and classic.