Are you someone who is curious, adventurous and wants to learn more about Singapore’s sports and transport? Saddle up because here’s your chance to!

This year’s Singapore Heritage Festival (SHF) 2023, happening from May 1st to May 28th, is themed around Singapore’s rich sports and transportation. As part of SHF 2023, Wheels on the Bus: Horses & Heritage in Singapore is a guided tour organised by the Bukit Timah Saddle Club (BTSC). Visitors will get to experience and learn more about the world of horses and equestrian sports. 

On May 10, 2023, The UrbanWire team headed down to BTSC to learn more about the history of equestrian sports in Singapore. 

Established in 1951, BTSC is one of the oldest equestrian sports clubs in Singapore. In February this year, the club started a new chapter of its history in a new location near Kranji, after over 72 years at its previous home in Bukit Timah.

A map of the former Bukit Timah Saddle Club location near fairway drive.
A map of the former Bukit Timah Saddle Club location near fairway drive. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.

During the guided tour, we walked into an air-conditioned room, full of BTSC’s history, where we got to learn more about equestrian sports and how BTSC has evolved over the past 72 years. 

The guides shared with us that in the past, the club mainly re-trained retired racehorses in other skills such as show jumping and dressage (also known as “horse ballet”). However, they have now evolved to become one of the leading equestrian facilities in Singapore, enabling a legacy of riders and nurturing the next generation of athletes. 

Enough with the history, it may not be your thing. It has ‘neigh-ver’ been my thing either, but don’t worry because now we’ll be getting into the key highlights of this tour.

We were introduced to the different facilities by the guides. One of the facilities is the competition arena which is extremely memorable as we got to watch a live demonstration of two types of equestrian sports: Show jumping and Dressage. It is not every day we get to see this sight!

Predrag Marjanovic demonstrating show jumping as part of the guided tour at the new BTSC arena.
Predrag Marjanovic demonstrating show jumping as part of the guided tour at the new BTSC arena. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.
Jaap Van Den Heuy (left) is in the discipline of Dressage, also known as “horse ballet”. Predrag Marjanovic (right) is in the discipline of Show Jumping.
Jaap Van Den Heuy (left) is in the discipline of Dressage, also known as “horse ballet”. Predrag Marjanovic (right) is in the discipline of Show Jumping. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.

As we walked back under the hot sun, we passed by a large blue vehicle, which we then learnt was a BTSC trailer used to transport horses around.

The Bukit Timah Saddle Club (BTSC) trailer used to transport horses around can go up to 50km/h even on the expressway.
The Bukit Timah Saddle Club (BTSC) trailer used to transport horses around can go up to 50km/h even on the expressway. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.

Fun fact: Did you know that each of these BTSC trailers can transport up to four horses? As if that wasn’t fascinating enough, I was utterly captivated when I discovered the existence of a weighing machine designed specifically for horses. If you’re astonished, you’re not alone. The tour group was amazed as we learned about this incredible invention.

A massive set of scales used to weigh the horses.
A massive set of scales used to weigh the horses. Photo by: Neo Kai Ting.

After getting a tour around the horses’ new home, we had the chance to meet and interact with the horses – another key highlight of this tour.

The horse that greeted my camera as we were exploring. Photo credit: Neo Kai Ting.

In the beginning, we were still a little scared of these majestic creatures, however, the guides were there to ensure our safety and even taught us the right way to get close to these horses.

We were taught how to hold the horses correctly and the right position to stand at when beside them so that we do not get hit.
We were taught how to hold the horses correctly and the right position to stand at when beside them so that we do not get hit. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.
Our Publicity Manager, Dann, experienced a hand lick by a horse.
Our Publicity Manager, Dann, experienced a hand lick by a horse. Photo Credit: Fatin Humaira.

Overall, this tour was extremely insightful and memorable for us. While Wheels on the Bus: Horses & Heritage is fully booked, you can look forward to other programmes offered by SHF 2023 where you can explore other Singapore’s rich sports and transportation history.

Be it a date with your partner or a memorable family experience, SHF 2023 offers a variety of events containing tons of exciting activities perfect for any occasion! 

More information can be found on the website.