An introductory video of 6 boys flashed on the big screen at the Max Pavillion, sending hordes of dedicated fans wild.

Mesmerised fans who term themselves as as B2UTIES (Beauties), maneuvered amongst teens and adults to proclaim their adoration, flashing words of support and encouragement across self-made boards.

Comprising of leader Yoon Doo Joon, Jang Hyun Seung, Yong Jun Hyung, Yang Yo Seob, Lee Gi Kwang and Son Dong Woon, the band named BEAST performed to a packed auditorium of almost 5000 screaming fans who nabbed their showcase tickets the moment they were released.

Their screams went into stratospheric decibels when the boys themselves took to the stage, opening the night with the first song, “Special”.

The excitement began to build up with their next renowned dance track from their third mini album, “Soom” and fans sang along to the Korean lyrics of the song. It was heartening to witness the fans, who had clearly taken the extra time and effort to learn the words, break out into the Korean fan-chant to express their fervent love for their idols.

The next section was an interview by the host of the night, 100.3 FM’s DJ Ah Ken, whose feeble attempts to crack jokes with the audience went hardly appreciated. As the Korean heart throbs made simple introductions of themselves one at time, fans went hysterical whenever their idol spoke.

It was a battle of the B2uties as they tried to out-scream each other to show support for their personal favourites. It was wave after wave of cheering and the audience inexplicably found the energy to maintain its roar. Indeed, when members Jang Hyun Seung, Lee Gi Kwang, Yang Yo Seob and Son Dong Woon went the extra mile and introduced themselves in whatever little English they knew, it drove the fans crazy as they felt it was “really cute”.

Fans were treated to a more intimate peek into the lives of the b2st members when DJ Ah Ken asked the boys to “reveal one secret of the member on your right”. Hyun Seung’s revelation of Gi Kwang’s secret definitely heated up the atmosphere: “Sometimes he only wears his underwear in the dorm, but most of the time he is in casual clothing.”

Doo Joon sent the audience into heaps of laughter as he revealed that Hyun Seung “sleeps with his eyes open”. He jokingly asked if Hyun Seung was sleeping as they spoke, once again sending the hungry-for-more audience into squeals of delight. “How can I sleep in front of so many fans?” Hyun Seung retorted wittily.

The pitch turned frenzied as the highlight of the night, the games section, got underway. 6 lucky fans were handpicked and given that once-in-a-zillion chance to get up close and personal with B2ST. As a bowl filled with ticket studs was rolled out onto the stage, fans held their breaths and the deafening silence in the hall was broken by the thumping of their hearts. It was the only moment in the entire night when their tired vocals took a well-deserved rest as they waited for Lady Luck to smile on them.

The lucky ones screamed and jumped up from the seats and as the last one was picked, tears of joy were replaced by tears of disappointment on some dejected fans. The winner of the game walked away with a photograph taken with B2ST and an autographed poster signed on the spot.

To up the ante, the distance between the lucky fans and their idols gradually narrowed during the game, prompting the not-so-lucky audience to scream (read: moan) even more. Fans of Gi Kwang went faint when he gave the lucky fan a hug, watched on by the hapless thousands who could only do what they have been doing all along. Scream yet again. A cake was then brought out on stage.

Decorated with mini figurines of soccer players and soccer balls, fans had sprung a surprise to celebrate Doo Joon’s 22nd birthday, which fell on Jul 4. Fancy having a birthday song sang in 4 different languages of English, Chinese, Malay and Korean. That certainly attests to their widespread fan base.

Winners of the B2ST Shock Dance Cover Contest were also given the honour to perform in front of B2ST who later fired up the audience with their own version of “Shock”, followed by “Beautiful” (B2UTIFUL) and “Fiction”, before making an engaging contrast and setting the mood for the close with their slow and emotional track “On Rainy Days”.

The air electrified as fans sustained their applause and chanted calls for encore. They demanded and were rewarded with not 1 but 3 more songs – “I Like You the Best”, “V.I.U” and “Oasis”- which brought the house down. Definitely, a handsome finale from B2ST that riveted the B2uties.

For the many die-hard fans, they were not disappointed. It was clear everybody was having a blast and received every cent worth of the 100-minute show.