You’ve read the Stephanie Meyer novel (in fact, the whole series), you’re smitten with the attractive lead character, absolutely taken by the romance and you’re eagerly anticipating the movie’s release here on Dec 18.

Well if you understood just what exactly I’m getting at up there, you’d be thinking “Oh give me the details on how to get my hands on those Twilight premiums already!”

That’s right, we’re calling out to fans of the latest movie-novel craze in town this Christmas season.

How to win

5 lucky UrbanWire readers stand to win a Movie Premium Set from Shaw Organisation. Each set consists of the following: (below, clockwise direction) Twilight A2 poster, mug, and US poster of the movie itself.

Simply answer the following question and email the correct answer with your full name, NRIC number and contact number to for your chance to win a set.

“Who is Isabella Swan’s love interest and what is he?”

This contest ends on Dec 31, 2008 and is applicable to Singaporeans/PR only.