
Here’s what your click could do for you –

1. Get you up close to your favourite local celebrity, whether that’s MTV VJ Utt, radio DJ Justin Ang, Ris “Boomz” Low, or others on our voting list, as you sit with and attend a private reception with the celebs and other VIPs, catered by The Garden Slug.

2.  Earn you a goodie bag with vouchers worth more than $200 each, sponsored by Active Red, Egg3, Yami Yogurt and

3. Show your absolute devotion and appreciation of your celebrities and the brands that define who you are.

How can you do all that with a mighty click or multiple clicks of the mouse? Brace yourselves for the event of the year, organised by youth for youths. Give it up for the inaugural m:idea Youth Choice Awards (MYCA), in celebration of m:idea’s official launch on Jan 9.

m:idea is Singapore’s only media conglomerate managed by youth. It comprises Singapore’s most established media companies run by tertiary students from the School of Film & Media Studies in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP).

Said one of the lecturer/supervisors of the conglomerate, Mr Robin Yee, who mooted the idea for an awards ceremony, “It’s only apt that m:idea is launched with an event that highlights what they do best, which is work across media platforms to reach out successfully to youth, give them a voice and a chance to get close to the celebs that the m:idea team work regularly and closely with. Besides, an awards ceremony is always a good sign of a media channel’s credibility.”

A list of nominees have already been selected after polling 600 youth to determine their favourites. They’re then separated into 6 wacky categories of media personalities and another 6 categories of brands that youth can’t live without.

While there have been other entertainment and lifestyle awards locally and internationally, what distinguishes this one is the voting categories – what they care about, the superstars they’d like to chill with, what they want to be wearing at the place to be seen, all phrased in terms that resonate with youth.

Nominees stand to win in categories such as “Celebrity Duo I Wanna Chill With”, “Band I Wanna Throw Myself At” and “Best OMG! Moment”, just to name a few.

Director of the School of Film & Media Studies (FMS), Ms Anita Kuan said: “Every little detail of this awards ceremony, from the names of the categories to the frisbee award, speaks of the unique youth perspective that the m:idea team imparts to all their projects. I can’t wait for it all to climax on Jan 9!”

Don’t expect Grammy- or Oscar-like trophies, because this isn’t a stuffy awards ceremony. To give our winners the recognition they deserve, frisbees given snazzy and psychedelic designs by m:idea’s in-house design unit will be awarded. The popular flying saucer toy was chosen to symbolise young people not having a care in the world as it glides in the sky, and total freedom – something all youths crave for.

With hosts Shaun David Martin ( deejay and third-year FMS student) and Candice Miller (former Kids Central host and another final-year FMS student) fronting the awards ceremony, well wishes from various celebrities on camera captured by CTV and, and performances by Ning the Magician Babe, MYCA promises to be an unforgettable afternoon for all.

Voting is open to the public and all are free to make multiple votes. Category winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at Ngee Ann Polytechnic on Jan 9. m:idea will be picking 20 lucky and avid voters to attend the star-studded awards ceremony/show, receive the attractive goodie bags, and dine with the celebs.

Whether you’re a 17-year-old dancing queen or young at heart like a 40-year-old man still playing Warcraft, all are welcome to check out the rest of the categories and cast your mighty votes at before it closes at midnight on Dec 21.