Francis is an old man trapped in a body of a 19-year-old teen. He enjoys old music, discussing politics, and complaining about how everything used to be better in the past. Often found lying on his bed in his room with his laptop on a little IKEA breakfast table with his phone next to him and books lying around, Francis is a firm believer of not engaging in physical activity. Unbeknownst to everyone but himself, Francis is also a Jedi and spends his free time visiting neighbouring galaxies to bring balance to the force. Also, Francis would appreciate it if you could sent him more graphic tees. Email him for details. Thank you.


Marvel studio expands its universe with another origin story of epic(ly microscopic) proportions
Shelter 2 improves on its sequel, Shelter, with greater variety and more eye-catching visuals in a lynx-based storyline.
The all-female Japanese rock band Scandal came back to Singapore to promote their latest album, Hello World.
21 May 2015