With a penchant for all things round and fluffy, birds and rodents will always send Joy into a squealing spree – in a good way. Most of her leisure time is spent in another dimension – anime and manga. Rarely will a day pass without her being engrossed in a new episode or chapter of the manga she’s following. While Joy isn’t really a gamer, Mercenary Kings has wiggled its way into her heart, alongside Tetris. Fortunately, she still gets some sunlight, thanks to her spontaneous nature and adventurous friends. She is always up for some cycling, café-hopping, and shopping.


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UrbanWire looks at the ever-changing dating scene in Singapore.
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Evangeline Neo depicts the cultural differences between Singapore and Japan in the form of comic strips with her first book.
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Maleficent strikes back in the reinvention of Sleeping Beauty with a buffet of visual effects.
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Cosplayers from 9 countries across Asia gathered for some epic battles at the Asia Cosplay Meet.
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