Robin has a heart for adventure and a fine appreciation of those who push the limits of the human body. The perfect holiday for Robin would be a couple of weeks trekking in a mountain range, avoiding the tourist traps in a city and seeking the genuine travel experience. Robin also recognizes good sportsmanship and the spirit of competition, because inspiration can be found in those who tirelessly work towards excellence. This is why he enjoys the fine sport of fencing where he shares the sport to secondary school kids in his spare time. Of course he also enjoys the thrill of stabbing someone with a foil. But when the adrenaline wears off, a good cuppa is what he craves.


UrbanWire discovers the changes of Geylang Serai Market since it first opened in 1964.
6 Sep 2014
Designer, hotelier, entrepreneur, and now photographer. Robin Choo of HYPE learns more about this man of many hats.
6 Sep 2014
Eating good food can also mean helping those in need, as UrbanWire finds out at Ren Gastronome.
19 Aug 2014
Slapstick humor and crazy fraternity antics will have you tearing from excessive laughter.
With a new range of coffee-inspired treats added to their menu, Pies & Coffee is an excellent place for a perk–me–up.
2 May 2014