When he’s not writing, Samson is usually found binging another Netflix series or raging at his friends in a video game. His interests include drawing, photography, and telling dumb jokes that nobody laughs at.


Can Wysa, an emotionally-intelligent chatbot really understand our woes? Find out from our video review.
Meet Dr Tristan Peh and two other healthcare experts who have gathered a strong following on TikTok.
16 Jul 2021
Heaven Spot is a safe space for Singaporeans to vandalise walls – legally.
14 Jul 2021
Many teenagers are obsessed with fictional characters from their favourite anime shows. Is this a cause for concern?
Tertiary student Christine Joy Teo reveals the pains and joys of being a young single mother.
Getai has moved online so that the longstanding Hungry Ghost Festival tradition will not be lost to COVID-19.
11 Sep 2020