If she is not busy writing or designing, then you would probably find her adding clothes to her cart or cafe-hopping. Meet Nashita, our editor & designer. With an eye for aesthetics, you can put her up to any design challenge! Though she looks like she is living her best life, she is actually hustling most of the time and busy earning the bucks to fulfill her career goal of becoming a journalist.


24-year-old illustrates comical memes featuring Indian movie stars.
20 Aug 2022
You can learn how to upcycle paper offcuts at Print N Matters’ workshop.
A team of Media Post-Production students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic share how they came up with their projection mapping animation for the upcoming Singapore Night Festival.
The UrbanWire is giving away a $50-off coupon from DipsandEverything to one lucky winner!
8 Aug 2022
Meet the couple who have been making motherhood mementos for their customers using their breast milk.
Nursing student Sarah Ali doesn’t shy away from making bold fashion statements.
Chef Nareskanna shares why he doesn’t let his twitches stop him from taking part in an intensive competition.
7 Jul 2022
Father-Daughter duo on TikTok hit three million likes with pranking videos.
The young alopecian shares how she finds strength from serving in the army and spreading positivity on TikTok.