
On the lookout for fun? Entertainment is always ready with a lineup of thrilling activities!

Not just a superhero, Marvel’s Doctor Strange is set to be a jaw-dropping spectacle of special effects.
Whip your phones out and get ready for some apps which are totally worth your internal storage space.
Your guide to achieving sore throats and tear-stained faces from this year’s scare-fest
29 Sep 2016
What is it about books like The Hunger Games that make everyone scream for more? Look no further for the UrbanWire is here to tell you why!
27 Sep 2016
The Girl on The Train is about to hit theatres with a big bang, putting an end to young adult dystopian book adaptations
International award winning musical WICKED makes its return to Singapore to get audiences Dancing Through Life.
22 Sep 2016
Move over, Harry Potter – this other world of fantasy is bound to sweep magic lovers off their feet with its unconventional storytelling.
Singapore’s literary scene has often been one that is shrouded in mystery for the average Singaporean. HYPE finds out the reason behind the stigma against local literature
9 Sep 2016
Disco Hue rocks the Singapore iTunes charts, and is on its journey to success.
5 Sep 2016

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